"This is the Best Time of Our Lives!"

So I've been wanting to start this blog, ever since I saw that "Quest for G" Gatorade commercial!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dark Horizons is supposed to be a Geek site, right?!?!?

  • Dark Horizons just lost major geek-cred with me ... "The movie-length 'Justice League'-themed episode of "Smallville" on Friday scored the show's season high with 2.6 million viewers on Friday." ... The episode was entitled "Absolute Justice" and was a 'Justice Society'-themed episode, not 'Justice League'-themed!
  • Total sidenote, but Goyer has resigned from FlashForward and is returning to feature flicks, per the Dark Horizons' article ... Not a good sign that the show is gonna make it to the Fall.
  • I think 20th Century Fox may be the anti-christ ... They are now talking Daredevil Reboot!?!? ... They have already f&*%'d up Fantastic Four, Wolverine, and the X-Men franchises!!! Oh, and they also wanna reboot Mr. & Mrs. Smith without Brangelina ... Huh?!? What's the point?!?
  • Big surprise ... "Emmerich also confirmed that the TV series spin-off of "2012", which would follow humanity's remnants establishing civilisation again, is not happening."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Preparing for LOST ...

So I wouldn't be a good geek without, at least, writing down my LOST predictions & theories, so I decided to write my answers down to the SciFi Wire's "The 100 Questions LOST Better Answer" ...

1. Who is Jacob? In a nutshell, Jacob is the embodiment of the Titan Prometheus
2. Is he good or is he evil? Neither ... Prometheus is the idea of "Forethought"
3. How old is he? He's immortal
4. What's up with the Loophole Guy? He will be shown to be Epimetheus ("Afterthought")
7. Is Jacob really dead? Nope ... I think he will return as Jack, at the end of the day.
8. Is Locke dead? Yup ... He's dead!
9. Is Juliet dead? She is dead in the Losties timeline
10. Did Jughead really blow up when the screen turned to white? Who knows! That's like asking what happened the moment before the Big Bang.
13. If so, did time reset and keep the Oceanic 815 from crashing? The Incident created an alternate timeline for the Losties per the Lost University video.
14. Will Juliet and Sawyer find each other again if it did? Sawyer will see Juliet in the alternate timeline and see that she is happy (sister, nephew, etc.)
15. Will Kate and Jack finally get their act together and find true love? Nope ... Jack will end up as the embodiment of Jacob, while Kate will become the new leader of the Island.
22. What happened to Ben's friend Annie? I don't think this is ever gonna be answered. My theory is originally that Annie would somehow fit into the childbirth issue on the Island.
23. Why does Dr. Pierre Chang use aliases? Who cares!!!
24. What's the smoke monster? It will be some other manifestation, but it is not MIB ... Maybe it will be seen as the embodiment of justice or truth or something like that.
25. Why does it have a taste for some people and not others? I think that has to do with who Jacob & MIB choose to "protect".
26. What's up with the ash around Jacob's cabin? I think it contained MIB to the Jacob's cabin.
27. Who broke the ash circle, and what does that mean? I think Locke broke the ash circle when Ben first took him to Jacob's cabin.
30. Why did the Oceanic Six have to go back? It was all part of MIB's long con.
34. Why did psychic Richard Malkin insist Claire raise Aaron? As a warning to Claire (and a foreshadowing for the audience) that this will be a reason for Aaron to return to the Island.
36. Who is Richard Alpert really, and why doesn't he age? He is going to be the same as whatever Jacob & MIB are ... The embodiment of "Faith", maybe
37. How or why does the island heal people? The Island is an electromagnetic singularity and therefore space-time behaves differently.
38. What's going on with the pregnancies? I think originally TPTB were going to tie this into the Annie backstory, but now I think they are going to show that it was the Island's response to DHARMA trying to civilize the Island.
41. Who are Adam and Eve, the skeletons found in the caves? Aaron & Ji-Yeon
45. Why is Walt special? He is a special person ala Desmond.
46. Why did Walt warn Locke not to open the hatch? I like the theory that it was the embodiment of Future Walt warning Locke about the future repercussions of his actions.
50. Will Charlie be back? Yes, all the dead Losties will re-appear in the new timeline, while those Losties on the Island (Sun, Locke, etc.) will not appear in the alternate timeline.
55. Where does the donkey wheel come from? Never going to be answered ... It will give the conspiracy theorists something to talk about after the show is over.
61. Who's on Jacob's list, and what does it mean? The list will be people of interest, as deemed by Ben. Jacob had nothing to do with the list. Ben simply invoked Jacob's name so that people would not question it.
62. Why did Jacob diss Ben by not communicating with him while he was leader? I think Widmore & Hawking were Jacob's choices to rule the Island ... Ben was MIB's choice.
63. What's up with the Temple? I think the Temple will be shown where people become connected to the Island.
68. What happened to the crew? The last man standing was given a gift ... And that was Richard Alpert.
74. What's up with Charles Widmore, anyway? Charles Widmore is to Jacob, as Ben is to MIB.
77. What's up with the whispers? The whispers are the Losties hearing remnants of other people on the Island ... It's a space-time singularity thing.
79. Why did Jacob go touch each of the survivors in the past? It marks them as "special".
80. Why were these survivors chosen? To counter MIB's loophole.
81. Why didn't Jacob try to protect himself when Ben stabbed him? He has to die ... It's part of Jacob's bigger plan to counter MIB's loophole strategy ... Think Black Bolt in the Inhumans GN.
82. What is Ilana's connection to Jacob? She is another pawn of Jacob.
83. What favor did he ask of her? I think he asked her to come to the Island.
84. Why did she order the cabin to be burned? Per Jacob's command
87. Why did the supply drops continue after the Purge? DHARMA made supply drops via air in the 70's ... They just showed up on the Island during the time we see in the show.
88. How do they find the island to make those drops? DHARMA used the Lamppost Station to make supply drops to the Island.
89. Who is Henry Gale really, and how did he break his neck? I think the Real Henry Gale was meant a Widmore agent who was tracking Desmond in an attempt to find the Island.
94. How did the feud start between Ben and Widmore? They were pawns of Jacob & MIB in their on-going battle.
100. Will we be satisfied with the way Lost ends? I think LOST ends as Darlton have already stated ... They are gonna finish the story of the Losties.

I know LOST will end after this season, but I think the show has great potential to continue in other forms ... TPTB have created a world in the Island that is bigger than the characters (Losties) that we know. A LOST "spinoff" could be created based on any number of ideas. I mean, we have only seen the Island's history for last 150yrs or so ... And there is so much more Island history to explore ... Who built the Frozen Donkey Wheel? Who destroyed the Tawaret statue? Or even could be another batch of Losties get stuck on the Island, but when?!?

In any case, LOST: The Final Season should be quite an experience ... T-minus 24hrs!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Does the Army want David Lightman or Ferris Bueller?

Sure this article is from the IEEE, but it is just one more small clue that we are truly in the "Age of the Geek" ...


Geekdom's Council of Elders

Sweet interview from GQ magamzine with JJ Abrahams, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Bryan Burk, Alex Kurtzman, & Roberto Orci ...

Geekdom's Council of Elders - Part 1

Geekdom's Council of Elders - Part 2

The Q&A is actually only in 2 parts (not 3, like the beginning of the GQ article states) ...

The Quest for the Holy G

What an absolutely awesome commercial!!!

Who is the commercial's target audience? Is Gatorade trying to get a new customer base? Or (as my bro has told me) is Gatorade's marketing team run by a Gen Xer?